Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Satellite Video Exchange Society will be held on Wednesday, June 19 2019 at six o’clock PM in the main studio of VIVO Media Arts, 2625 Kaslo Street, Vancouver, BC, V5M 1Y8, Canada.
Please find attached the following documents for your careful review:
Brit Bachmann
Kiran Bhumber
Alexandra Bischoff
Jay Castro
Emilie Crewe
Shaun Dacey
Zandi Dandizette
Stacey Ho
Nancy Lee
Dan Leonard
Jordan Strom
Nominations are hereby invited from members for the election of the Satellite Video Exchange Society Board of Directors. The number of positions to be filled will be determined by a majority vote on the resolution put forward at the AGM. As per the Satellite Video Exchange Society Bylaws, both the nominating party and the nominee must be members in good standing. An elected Director will serve on the Board for a term of two years with re-election possible.