Xanthra Phillipa

Xanthra Phillipa Mackay is a trans cultural producer, videomaker, writer, zine editor/publisher and radio host since 1992. She (along with Mirha-Soleil Ross) produced gendertrash in the early 1990s. She has been involved with Counting Past 2 since its inception in 1997. Her writing has appeared in the aforementioned gendertrash and Willyboy. She once hosted the radio show, Psychopathia Transsexualis: transsexual news, information and culture, on alternate Mondays from 11 – 12 noon on CIUT 89.5FM. She volunteers at the Meal-Trans program, a meal drop in for low income, street active and marginalized transsexual and transgendered people at the 519 Church Street Community Centre in Toronto.


Programs at VIVO: