Martin Messier

Martin Messier is a composer, performer and videomaker. Most of his work is concerned with the relationship between sound and material (objects or bodies). Messier constantly redefines the boundaries of concrete music by creating sounds with everyday objects, such as alarm clocks, pens, self-conceived machines and sewing machines. At the core of Messier’s work is a dialogue between sounds and objects and the desire to push the everyday imaginary a little further, to magnify these entities by giving them a voice and by reinventing their function. Martin Messier presented his work in various national festivals and events (Mutek, FTA and Mois Multi, ISEA) as well as in international ones (Berlin’s Transmediale, Sonar in Barcelona, Nemo in Paris, Scopitone in Nantes and Today’s Art in The Hague). La chambre des machines also received a distinction at the prestigious Ars Electronica (Austria). In 2010, Messier founded 14 lieux, a sound production company for performing arts.


Programs at VIVO: